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La Patasola

Origin: South American Mythology
Habitat: Mountains, Jungles, Woods, Forests
Behavior: Aggressive

  • They can take on the appearance of a beautiful woman but when changing into their true form, the most notable feature is their one leg terminating into a bovine-like hoof. They is described as possessing one breast, bulging eyes, catlike fangs, a hooked nose, big lips, and tangled hair. 
  • Deriving from vampire mythology, the Parasola or "One foot" is a female monster from the jungle who lures men away from their companions and sucks the blood from her victims
  • They can transform into other animals, materializing as a large black dog or cow. 
  • They often interferes with work by blocking shortcuts through jungles, disorienting hunters, and throwing hunting dogs off the scent of their game. 
  • They is usually regarded as protective of nature and the forest animals and unforgiving when humans enter their domains to alter or destroy them.
  • La Patasola’s origin story varies, but usually follows the pattern of a scorned, unfaithful, or otherwise “bad” woman. Some believe that she was a mother who killed her own son, and was then banished to the woods as punishment. Others believe that she was a wicked temptress who was cruel to both men and women, and for this reason they mutilated her with an axe, chopping off one leg and throwing it into a fire. She then died of her injuries and now haunts the forests and mountain ranges. In a third origin story, she was an unfaithful wife who cheated on her husband with the couple’s employer, a patron. Upon discovering her infidelity, the jealous husband murdered both her and the patron. She died but her soul remains in a one-legged body.
  • La Patasola produces hypnotic songs to help lure her victims away. 
  • They feeds on the fear of that they generate in their victims. Stories of their attacks are sometimes used as cautionary tales to discourage men from being unfaithful to their spouses.
